Set up legal entity

When you complete the Exact Sciences questionnaire, you will be prompted to complete a legal entity setup.

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  • Step 01
From the setup tab
  1. Click on the "Setup" tab at the top of the page.
  2. Click on the "Admin" tab underneath.
  3. Click on the "Legal Entity Setup" button on the upper right side of the page.
Screenshot of Legal Entity Setup page on the Coupa Supplier Portal.
  • Step 02
Where's your business located?

Enter the following:

  • Legal entity name
  • Country

Please note: Hints are provided on the right of your Coupa screen. Some countries will require extra information to be entered after clicking "Continue."

Screenshot of business location form on the Coupa Supplier Portal.
  • Step 03
About your organization

You will be redirected to a page where you can add your information.

Fill in all required fields marked with a red asterisk.

The "Use this address for Remit-To info" and "Use this for Ship From address info" boxes are checked (default). Uncheck to use a different address.

If you do not have the tax identification number Coupa requires, click "I don't have a Tax ID Number."

Click "Save & Continue."

Screenshot of organization information form on the Coupa Supplier Portal.
  • Step 04
Where do you want to receive payment?

This information is populated from Step 3 if "Use this address for Remit-To info" was checked; otherwise, provide the information here.

Screenshot of payment information form on the Coupa Supplier Portal.
  • Step 04a

Confirm the payment method in the dropdown is correct (the default is set to "Address"). Confirm the remit-to address or fill in the relevant information. Click "Save & Continue" after confirming all required items are filled in correctly.

Screenshot of payment information form on the Coupa Supplier Portal.
  • Step 04b

Double-check the remit-to information is correct. If additional locations need to be added, click "Add Remit-To." Then click next.

Screenshot of payment information summary on the Coupa Supplier Portal.
  • Step 05
Where do you ship goods from?

If "Use this for Ship From address info" was checked, the information from Step 3 is populated. If needed, click "Add Ship From" and fill in the required information. Review and click "Done."

Screenshot of payment information summary on the Coupa Supplier Portal.
  • Step 06
Setup Complete
Congratulations on completing the setup process. Click "Done" to close the pop-up window.
Screenshot of setup complete confirmation on the Coupa Supplier Portal.